Transient Elastography Is a Noninvasive Method to Diagnose Hepatic Fibrosis Stages in Children with Rare Diseases
The aim of the investigation was to assess diagnostic significance of liver transient elastography (LTE) in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) and mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and glycogen storage disease (GSD) to define liver fibrosis stages.
Materials and Methods. We examined 204 children with rare diseases aged from 6 months to 17.5 years, among them there were 141 patients with CF, 25 patients with MPS, and 38 children with GSD. All patients underwent LTE on FibroScan®502 using sensors S+ (with two modes) and M depending on chest circumference.
Results. 42 (29.8%), 7 (28.0%) and 18 (47.4%) patients with CF, MPS and GSD, respectively, had formed fibrotic changes of liver parenchyma of different intensity, and in 12.1, 12.0 and 10.5 cases, respectively, there was marked liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. LTE findings showed pronounced heterogeneity in 40 from 99 (40.4%) CF patients, in 14 from 18 (77.8%) MPS patients, and in 10 from 20 (50.0%) GSD patients, whose median elasticity was consistent with the absence of fibrosis. Some individual measurements demonstrated increased indices (from 5.9 to 75.0 kPa) that can indicate the presence of focal fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver in these patients.
Conclusion. LTE is an informative, noninvasive, safe technique to diagnose various stages of liver fibrosis in children with rare diseases (CF, MPS, GSD), which enables to apply it since the neonatal period. LTE makes it possible to identify diffuse liver fibrosis risk group patients. LTE is efficient for monitoring to assess the liver condition dynamics in children with rare diseases both in outpatient and inpatient investigation period.
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