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The Study of Temperature-Dependent Molecular Mechanisms of Infection Development as a Key to the Development of Modern Prophylactic Drugs (Review)

The Study of Temperature-Dependent Molecular Mechanisms of Infection Development as a Key to the Development of Modern Prophylactic Drugs (Review)

Andryukov B.G., Somova L.М., Timchenko N.F.
Key words: bacteria; lipopolysaccharides; TLR4, Yersinia spp.; immunogenicity; vaccine development.
2016, volume 8, issue 3, page 137.

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Discoveries in molecular biology made in recent decades enabled to estimate a key role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in initiating innate and acquired immunity in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. The increasing clinical significance of infections associated with gram-negative flora, and structural peculiarity of their cell membranes determined the aim of the review — synthesis of modern ideas about molecular mechanisms of infections caused by microorganisms of this type. As an actual model for the implementation of these molecular strategies the authors considered temperature-dependent immunogenicity variations of pathogenic bacteria, Yersinia species, depending on the number and types of acyl groups of lipid A of lipopolysaccharide of the outer membrane that has a modulating effect on the receptor TLR4 sensitivity, regulating the immune response of the body in infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. The results of numerous studies on molecular mechanisms of yersiniosis and other infections enabled to estimate that the patterns of pathogen associated molecules of gram-negative bacteria when interacting with recognizing the receptors transmit numerous signals to immune cells, and can therefore be used as a natural, innate adjuvants activating an adaptive immune response of the body. These low molecular weight natural adjuvants resembling molecular components of lipopolysaccharides are currently efficiently use to develop modern vaccines designed to activate the work of innate immune system and induce the production of inflammatory mediators.

Blander J.M., Sander L.E. Be

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