Evaluating Biological Effects of Sirolimus-Eluting Cardiovascular Stents
The aim of the investigation was to study the influence of the sirolimus-eluting cardiovascular stents on hematological and biochemical blood parameters in vitro.
Materials and Methods. Angioplasty of aorta-iliac segment of the femoral artery was performed to six rabbits with implantation of MS 2.5×11 mm bare metal Cobalt-Chromium stents and stents of the same model developed by NanoMed (Russia) with linear-chain carbon and drug-eluting coatings (2 μg/mm2 of sirolimus) to other six rabbits. Animal condition was assessed visually and by hematological and biochemical blood parameters 1, 2, 4, and 7 weeks after implantation compared to the rabbits of intact and control groups.
Results. Application of the stents with linear-chain carbon and drug-eluting coatings reduces the risk of restenosis. Gradual destruction of the polymeric coating provides local dosed release of the drug substance in the area of the stented vessel wall, inhibiting thereby the neointimal hyperplasia. Implantation of sirolimus-eluting stents did not cause significant changes in biochemical and hematological blood parameters of rabbits in comparison with bare metal stents. Changes in the blood tests of the control animals compared to the intact ones are likely to be the result of surgical intervention. This fact allows us to pass over to the clinical trials of sirolimus-eluting coronary stents.
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