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Brain-Computer Interface and Neurofeedback Technologies: Current State, Problems and Clinical Prospects (Review)

Brain-Computer Interface and Neurofeedback Technologies: Current State, Problems and Clinical Prospects (Review)

Fedotchev А.I., Parin S.B., Polevaya S.A., Velikova S.D.
Key words: bioelectric control; brain-computer interface; neurofeedback; electroencephalogram; EEG.
2017, volume 9, issue 1, page 175.

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Brain-computer interface and neurofeedback technologies are unique techniques to modulate brain activity based on an operant conditioning. From the time these technologies appeared in the 60-ies of the XX c., they have become non-drug tools for numerous psychiatric and neurologic disorders. However, up to now their efficiency is a matter of debate. Our review considers the background, characteristic features and current state of the technologies. The emphasis was made on the analysis of capabilities and prospects of the technologies in clinical medicine to mobilize the plasticity mechanisms of brain neural network. The review presents the findings of our own experiments showing the future of brain-computer interface and neurofeedback technologies to depend on multi-type cooperation of neurologists, neurobiologists, engineers and mathematicians. Effective consolidation of several fields of science will enable to develop novel therapeutic regimens to restore and improve neural, cognitive and behavioral functions.

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Fedotchev А.I., Parin S.B., Polevaya S.A., Velikova S.D. Brain-Computer Interface and Neurofeedback Technologies: Current State, Problems and Clinical Prospects (Review). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(1): 175,

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