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Efficacy of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Using МАCDEL-08 Device in Complex Treatment of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

Efficacy of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Using МАCDEL-08 Device in Complex Treatment of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

Kleyman A.P., Iomdina E.N., Bessmertny A.M., Kalinina O.M., Vasilenkova L.V., Kiseleva O.A.
Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma; MACDEL-08 device; low-intensity laser therapy; transpalpebral rheoophthalmography.
2017, volume 9, issue 2, page 150.

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The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of low-intensity laser therapy(LILT) using HeNe laser-based MACDEL-08 device in complex treatment ofprimary open-angle glaucoma.

Materials and Methods. The LILT was performed to16 patients (25 eyes) aged 58–78 years with II (group 1) and III (group 2) stages of primary open-angle glaucoma and normalized level of intraocular pressure without anti-hypertensive regimen. 6–18 months before LILT, all patients underwent surgical treatment (sinus trabeculectomy) and a course of conservative therapy (3 months after glaucoma surgery). LILT was performed using MACDEL-08. The course of treatment consisted of 10 daily sessions of 10 min each. All patients underwent visual acuity testing and ocular hemodynamics examination by transpalpebral rheoophthalmography before and after LILT. Three basic hemodynamic parameters were calculated: rheographic index, period of maximum filling, index of elastic modulus.

Results. Upon completion of the LILT course, improvement of visual acuity has been noted in all patients, in group 1 from 0.4–0.9 to 0.5–1.0; in group 2 from 0.1–0.8 to 0.3–1.0; p<0.05. The analysis of rheographic parameters has shown the reduction in the deficit of eye tissue blood supply and improvement of elastic properties of the intraocular vessel walls during LILT and after it.

Conclusion. The application of LILT using NeHe laser-based MACDEL-08 device is a harmless, clinically effective, physiologically justified and technically simple component of primary open-angle glaucoma complex treatment.

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Kleyman A.P., Iomdina E.N., Bessmertny A.M., Kalinina O.M., Vasilenkova L.V., Kiseleva O.A. Efficacy of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Using МАCDEL-08 Device in Complex Treatment of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(2): 150,

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