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Membrane Structural Condition and Functional Activity of Peritoneal Macrophages after Gas Discharge Exposure

Membrane Structural Condition and Functional Activity of Peritoneal Macrophages after Gas Discharge Exposure

Arkhipova Е.V., Ivanova I.P.
Key words: gas-discharge devices; peritoneal macrophages; study of spark plasma; UV radiation; membrane microviscosity; membrane hydrophobicity.
2017, volume 9, issue 3, page 55.

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The aim of the investigation was to study in experiment the impact of gas discharge (spark plasma and UV radiation of a quartz lamp) radiation on a membrane structural condition and functional activity of peritoneal macrophages.

Materials and Methods. The target of the research was peritoneal macrophages of Wistar rats. A gas discharge Pilimin device series IR-10 and an DBK-9 UV lamp as were used as an operative factor. The suspension of peritoneal macrophages was treated within 30, 60, 300, 600, and 1,200 s. Lipid composition was studied by thin-layer chromatography. Microviscosity in lipid-lipid and protein-lipid interaction areas was analyzed by pyrene fluorescence. Hydrophobicity of membrane hydrocarbon layer was determined by 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatrien fluorescence. To assess the functional state of peritoneal macrophages we studied latex particle absorption phagocytosis activity, oxygen-dependent metabolism condition by nitro blue tetrazolium reduction test and by measuring luminal-dependent chemiluminescence.

Results. The study showed phospholipid oxidation to be less intensive under spark plasma radiation than when exposed to UV lamp radiation. Membrane microviscosity in lipid-lipid and protein-lipid interaction areas increases to a greater extent after UV lamp radiation exposure. The density of fatty acids of phospholipids decreases after spark plasma radiation and increases when exposed to UV lamp radiation. Spark plasma radiation causes the expansion in the number of cells participating in phagocytosis, the increase of absorbing capacity and oxygen-dependent metabolism of peritoneal macrophages. “Oxygen explosion” time of macrophages decreases after plasma radiation exposure, but increases after UV lamp radiation exposure.

Conclusion. Spark plasma radiation compared to UV lamp radiation contributes to the enhancement of phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages in less continuous modes, the effects under study being more pronounced. The study findings enable to reveal optimal modes for functional cell activity after gas discharge exposure.

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Arkhipova Е.V., Ivanova I.P. Membrane Structural Condition and Functional Activity of Peritoneal Macrophages after Gas Discharge Exposure. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(3): 55,

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