Indices of Free Radical Oxidation in the Oral Fluid as Markers of Athletes’ Functional State
The aim of the investigation was to study the efficiency of determining indices of free radical and peroxide processes in the oral fluid in highly qualified athletes under anaerobic interval exercise for the assessment of their functional state.
Materials and Methods. 23 highly qualified athletes at the age of 18.7±0.6 years participated in the study. The following methods were used to investigate homeostasis indices: induced biochemiluminescence, determination of primary and end lipid peroxidation product content according to a modified Volchegorsky method, enzymatic colorimetric method of measuring the concentration of creatinine, lactate, glucose and free fatty acids, enzymatic kinetic method of determining the quantitative activity of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in the oral fluid.
Results. Anaerobic interval exercise is estimated to initiate increase of lactate dehydrogenase activity and lactate concentration, reduction of all parameters of chemiluminescence reaction curve, and elevation of the content of trien conjugates and Schiff bases in the oral fluid of highly qualified athletes.
Conclusion. The study of free radical oxidation indices as well as the content of primary and end products of lipid peroxidation is an available, highly informative method of examining the functional state, adaptive mechanisms, and spare capacities of athletes at all stages of training and competitive processes.
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