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Pathomorphism of Limb Major Vessels  in Experimental Atherogenic Inflammation.  The Role of Adventitial Intimal Relations (Review)

Pathomorphism of Limb Major Vessels in Experimental Atherogenic Inflammation. The Role of Adventitial Intimal Relations (Review)

Kirichenko А.К., Patlataya N.N., Sharkova А.F., Pevnev А.А., Kontorev К.V., Shapovalova О.V., Gorban М.Е., Bolshakov I.N.
Key words: atherogenic inflammation; atherogenesis markers; vascular wall; therapeutic angiogenesis; morphological angioplasty; genetically engineered drugs; biodegradable polysaccharide structures; vascular adventitia engineering.
2017, volume 9, issue 3, page 162.

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The review considers the problems of pathological destruction of a vascular wall at early signs of atherogenic inflammation of major arteries in hyperlipidemia in relation to modern technologies of local angioplasty. It has shown the role of molecular markers in atherogenic inflammation development and progression in intima and subintimal space. The emphasis is laid on modern genetically engineered and biopolymer technologies for vascular wall repair, the significance of adventitial and para-adventitial arterial layers in atherogenic inflammation, the formation of a therapeutic angiogenesis effect when using modern methods of adventitia bioengineering.

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