The DNA Comet Assay for Evaluating Damage to Leukocyte DNA after Photodynamic Therapy
The aim of this research was (by using the DNA comet method) to study the level of DNA damage in leukocytes of the whole blood in tumor-bearing animals after photodynamic therapy (PDT) with the local administration of a photosensitizer.
Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 30 non-linear male albino rats. As a model of neoplasia, the rat renal carcinoma strain was used. The animals were divided into three groups: intact (n=10), without exposure (n=10) and with PDT exposure (n=10); each group was then divided into two subgroups according to the initial tumor volume: A — less than 0.3 cm3 and B — more than 0.5 cm3.
In the PDT group, 0.3% Photosens (SRC “NIOPIK”, Russia) was injected into the tumor. Then, 6–12 h after the injection, the tumor area was irradiated with a LED laser beam (λ=660±10 nm, P=100 mW/cm2). The PDT sessions were conducted on the 15th and 19th day after the transplantation.
The antitumor effect was evaluated by the absolute tumor growth rate. The DNA damage was assessed by the DNA comet assay adapted for this study. The %TDNA — the relative DNA content of the comet tail — was used for quantification.
Results. A direct correlation between the DNA damage and the absolute tumor growth was found (Spearman rank correlation coefficient rs=0.85; p=0.006). Using the DNA comet method we observed an increased DNA damage in leukocytes of tumor-bearing animals exposed to PDT in the subgroup with initial tumor volumes <0.3 cm3; whereas no such changes were found in the subgroup with tumors >0.5 cm3. When PDT was preceded by a Photosens injection, the tumors regressed in 50% of rats regardless of the initial tumor volume. In rats resistant to PDT, the tumor growth was stimulated in rats with the initial tumors <0.3 cm3.
Conclusion. The level of DNA damage in blood leukocytes, determined with the alkaline version of the DNA comet method after author’s modification, can be used to indirectly evaluate the growth rate of a malignant neoplasm and predict the tumor response to photodynamic therapy combined with a locally-administered photosensitizer.
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