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Two-Wavelength Fluorescence Monitoring and Planning of Photodynamic Therapy

Two-Wavelength Fluorescence Monitoring and Planning of Photodynamic Therapy

Khilov A.V., Loginova D.A., Sergeeva E.A., Shakhova M.A., Meller A.E., Turchin I.V., Kirillin M.Yu.
Key words: photodynamic therapy; planing of photodynamic therapy; fluorescence imaging; chlorine series photosensitizers; Monte-Carlo simulations.
2017, volume 9, issue 4, page 96.

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The aim of the study is to develop approaches for fluorescence monitoring and planning of photodynamic therapy employing chlorine series photosensitizers.

Materials and Methods. The study included numerical simulations and experiments with optical agar phantoms of biotissue and human skin in vivo. Fluorescence imaging was used as a method of optical monitoring. Chlorine series photosensitizer Photoditazin (Veta Grand, Russia) was employed. Numerical simulation of light propagation was performed with Monte-Carlo technique for a multilayer skin model.

Results. It was demonstrated that in the case of two-wavelength fluorescence monitoring of photosensitizer penetration into the tissue the ratio of fluorescence signals excited at wavelengths of 405 and 660 nm can be used as a characteristic of photosensitizer penetration depth in biological tissue. The results of numerical simulations are in good agreement with the results of model experiments on agar phantoms and pilot in vivo experiment. Radiant exposure and absorbed light dose maps at the wavelengths of 405 and 660 nm were calculated employing Monte-Carlo technique; the dependencies of the characteristic dose values on the optical properties of the medium were analyzed.

Conclusion. Two-wave fluorescence imaging technique allows for non-invasive estimation of chlorine series photosensitizer penetration depth into the biotissue after topical application, while numerical simulation by Monte-Carlo method allows for more accurate choice of the light exposure dose for photodynamic therapy depending on optical properties of the tissue and the radiation wavelength.

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Khilov A.V., Loginova D.A., Sergeeva E.A., Shakhova M.A., Meller A.E., Turchin I.V., Kirillin M.Yu. Two-Wavelength Fluorescence Monitoring and Planning of Photodynamic Therapy. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(4): 96,

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