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An UHF Thermal Coagulator for Achieving Hemostasis During Operations on Parenchymatous Organs

An UHF Thermal Coagulator for Achieving Hemostasis During Operations on Parenchymatous Organs

Gorokhov G.G., Shkalova L.V., Strikovsky А.V., Korobkov S.V., Guschin M.E., Zagainov V.E.
Key words: hemostasis; parenchymatous organs; UHF applicator; UHF coagulator.
2018, volume 10, issue 2, page 59.

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The aim of the study is to assess the possibility of using an original UHF (ultra-high frequency) coagulator with an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz to achieve hemostasis on the surfaces of parenchymatous organs.

Materials and Methods. The coagulator represents a coaxial line loaded on the antenna in the form of a monofilar Archimedean spiral. A maximal input power was 300 W. Coagulator parameters were determined by the results of numerical simulation and laboratory tests at various loads. Coagulator work was studied on ovalbumin and liver parenchyma at various exposures. Biological tissue samples from the coagulation foci were histologically investigated.

Results. A coagulation focus with the diameter equal to the applicator diameter (20 mm) is formed during 10 s exposure at the maximum input power level. Tissue coagulation sufficiently uniform in depth is observed in the focus area.

Conclusion. The character of UHF field impact on the tissue does not depend on the degree of surface humidity. The impact area matches the diameter of the device working part allowing surgeons to plan the area of the appropriate exposure. The created complex is expected to find its application for hemostasis in parenchymatous hemorrhage.

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Gorokhov G.G., Shkalova L.V., Strikovsky А.V., Korobkov S.V., Guschin M.E., Zagainov V.E. An UHF Thermal Coagulator for Achieving Hemostasis During Operations on Parenchymatous Organs. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2018; 10(2): 59,

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