MSCT Coronary Angiography in Diagnosis of Chronic Coronary Occlusions
The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of MSCT coronary angiography in the diagnosis of coronary artery occlusions.
Materials and Methods. Fifty-six patients (mean age 51.7±3.0 years) were examined for coronary artery occlusions by selective coronary angiography (SCG) and MSCT coronary angiography. We followed the recommendations of the multicenter J-CTO trial (Multicenter CTO Registry, Japan) based on the SCG data, as well as their proposed scale for predicting the outcome of endovascular recanalization. The latter scale was modified in line with our own results of MSCT coronary angiography as an independent method of visualization.
Results. The tomographic approach tested in this study was superior over the traditional invasive SCG in respect to the assessment of calcification, the length and the profile of the occlusion. The SCG was more advantageous in determining the shape and the size of the occluded artery stump and assessing the presence of a collateral network.
When combined, the predictive power of these two methods provides an additional 10% of successful recanalization.
MSCT coronary angiography can be an independent non-invasive method for diagnosing occlusive coronary disease and should be incorporated in the algorithm of patient examination prior to endovascular recanalization.
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