Teeth Whitening Followed by Remineralization Therapy: a Comparative Analysis of Bleaching Systems and Remineralizing Agents
The aim of the study was to determine the most efficient teeth whitening technique based on the study of biochemical composition of oral fluid.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 120 patients divided into three groups, 40 patients in each group, according to a bleaching system used. 30 patients in each group underwent professional teeth whitening with subsequent remineralization therapy, the rest 10 patients having a whitening procedure alone. A biochemical assay of oral fluid was carried out prior to bleaching, immediately after double whitening and remineralization therapy, and 14 days after bleaching. Biochemical assay was applied to determine the acid degree in oral fluid, as well as ionized calcium level in oral fluid.
Results. The study revealed a significant increase in calcium ion concentration in oral fluid after teeth bleaching. Maximum calcium ion loss in dental enamel was found when exposed to photobleaching based on 24% hydrogen peroxide concentration; the lowest loss was revealed when using chemical activation and 40% hydrogen peroxide. Remineralization therapy appeared to be effective in all three groups. A maximum effect was found when using the agent based on zinc-substituted carbonate hydroxylapatite Stomysens combined with laser phonophoresis.
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