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The Role of Human Genetic Factors in the Natural Selection of Hepatitis C Virus’ Dominant Genotype in Ethnically Close Populations of Buryats and Khalkha-Mongols

The Role of Human Genetic Factors in the Natural Selection of Hepatitis C Virus’ Dominant Genotype in Ethnically Close Populations of Buryats and Khalkha-Mongols

Malov S.I., Baatarkhuu O., Оgarkov О.B., Ariunaa S., Baigalmaa J., Davaakhuu B., Munk-Orshikh D., Ouynbileg J., Stepanenko L.А., Savilov E.D., Zherbanova L.V., Symbelova T.А., Malov I.V.
Key words: viral hepatitis C; hepatitis C virus genotypes; gene polymorphisms; IFNL1 (rs30461); IFNL3 (rs12979860 and rs8099917); IFNL4 (rs368234815); CD209 (rs4804803); TLR3 (rs3775291 and rs13126816); TLR7 (rs179008 and rs179009); IFITM (rs12252); MyD88 (rs6853); IFIH1 (rs1990760).
2018, volume 10, issue 3, page 21.

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The aim of the study was to assess the role of the innate immunity gene polymorphism in the population selection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes circulating in the ethnically close groups of Mongoloids: Buryats and Khalkha-Mongols.

Materials and Methods. Nucleotide polymorphisms of innate immunity genes were identified in 400 patients with chronic hepatitis C, including 200 people belonging to the ethnic group of Mongols living in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) and 200 to the ethnic group of Buryats living in Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia). The control group (n=531) consisted of apparently healthy people comprising 220 Buryats and 311 Khalkha-Mongols. Genetic studies of twelve single-nucleotide polymorphisms of nine genes: IFNL1 (rs30461); IFNL3 (rs12979860 and rs8099917); IFNL4 (rs368234815); CD209 (rs4804803); TLR3 (rs3775291 and rs13126816); TLR7 (rs179008 and rs179009); IFITM (rs12252); MyD88 (rs6853); IFIH1 (rs1990760) have been performed in the mentioned selections of the sick and healthy individuals. When analyzing the genetic study results, frequencies of gene alleles and their combinations in the form of genotypes have been compared.

Results. The dominant prevalence of the HCV genotype 1 (98.0%) was found in the territory of Mongolia which appeared to be significantly higher (p<0.001) than its prevalence in the territory of Buryatia (66.0%). Among the genetic factors which can influence the formation of the circulating genotype structures in Buryat and Mongolian population, single-nucleotide polymorphisms in three genes (IFNL3, TLR3, and TLR7), the frequency of which differed significantly in the examined cohorts, have been detected. In the ethnical Buryat group, the search for the candidate genes in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 and non-1 (2 or 3, 2/3) has established that T allele of rs179008 TLR7 gene occurs 2 times more often in women with chronic hepatitis C infection caused by genotype 2/3 than by genotype 1 (p=0.04).

Conclusion. A low prevalence of HCV genotypes 2 and 3 among the population in the territory of Mongolia is likely to be caused by a rare frequency of the mutant T allele of TLR7 gene (rs179008) associated with the predisposition to HCV-2/3 infection, i.e. the situation that has been demonstrated in our work using the ethnical group of Buryats as an example.

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