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Materials for Plastic Surgery of the Dura Mater: History and Current State of the Problem (Review)

Materials for Plastic Surgery of the Dura Mater: History and Current State of the Problem (Review)

Danilova D.A., Gorbunova L.I., Tsybusov S.N., Uspensky I.V., Kravets L.Ya.
Key words: defects of the dura mater; plastic repair of the dura mater; autografts; synthetic grafts; collagen transplants.
2018, volume 10, issue 3, page 194.

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The review addresses one of the important aspects of modern neurosurgery: the repair of various dura mater defects. The optimal material for plastic surgery of the dura mater should meet certain biological, physical and chemical requirements, should not cause serious complications such as liquorrhea, inflammation or brain’s lining scars, it should be simple and convenient in use, as well as cost-effective. The present report reviews the concepts and techniques developed in the XIX–XX centuries and also describes the materials used at the present time such as autografts (from patient’s own tissues), collagen, and synthetic materials both absorbable and non-absorbable. We analyze a number of domestic and internationally-known implants used in the dura mater plastic repair. The prospects of the new synthetic Russia-made material Reperen for the dura mater plastic surgery are discussed.

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