Biochip-SER Test System for Fluorescent Immunocytochemical Analysis of Ep-CAM Antigen Expression in Effusions and Washes
The aim of the study was to evaluate the Biochip-SER test system for its ability to measure the expression of Ep-CAM antigen by fluorescent immunocytochemistry.
Materials and Methods. We conducted 64 cytological, 64 standard immunocytochemical (SICC) and 64 fluorescent immunocytochemical (FICC) tests using the Biochip-SER test system and samples from 59 patients (45 effusions and 19 peritoneal washings). The study was performed in 4 stages: cytological examination, SICC, FICC using the Biochip-SER system, and control cytological study by the Biochip-SER system. The SICC was performed using the monoclonal antibody (MAB) to the epithelial antigen Ep-CAM; FICC was performed using the MAB to the epithelial antigen Ep-CAM conjugated to the Alexa Flour 488 fluorochrome.
Results. FICC test performed using the Biochip-SER test system, showed 100% diagnostic sensitivity and 89% specificity.
Conclusion. FICC test carried out with MAB to the Ep-CAM antigen conjugated with Alexa Flour 488 using the Biochip-SER system is a reliable method for diagnosing tumors by testing effusion fluids, which allows us to recommend this system for practical use in specialized institutions and primary points of care.
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