Regenerative Cell Technologies for Gingival Recession Treatment
The aim of the study was to assess experimentally the possibility of using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and bioplastic material Collost for gingival recession treatment based on the data of morphological alterations in the tissues of pathologically transformed periodontium.
Materials and Methods. Random-bred white female rats (60 specimens) were used as a model in the experiment. The operative intervention was performed in the area of incisors of the upper and lower rat jaws. Before the investigations, 1–2 ml of the adipose tissue were harvested from one specimen under sterile conditions in order to obtain allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells.
All animals were divided into 5 groups (10 rats in each group) depending on the selected method of treatment: group 1 — experimental gingival recession without treatment; group 2 — treatment with physiological solution; group 3 — experimental gingival recession treatment with 7% Collost gel; group 4 — experimental gingival recession treatment with MSC; group 5 — experimental gingival recession treatment with MSC and 7% Collost gel. The control group, intact rats, consisted of 10 laboratory animals with a healthy gingiva. The creation of a model of the experimental gingival recession was carried out by mechanical V-shaped excision of periodontal tissues.
Results. The isolated form of 7% Collost gel (a bioplastic collagen material) serves in the process of biodegradation as a matrix for the formation of the native connective tissue, provides adhesion of the stem cells and their transformation into pro- and fibroblasts. 7% Collost gel facilitates the reduction of gingival recession and gingival pocket depth, stimulates the process of epithelization. Injections of cell transplant suspension in physiological solution activate the processes of fibroblast differon cell proliferation and cell transformation. The cell transplant suspension in the sterile bioplastic 7% Collost gel enhances the gel and stem cell effects, contributes to the elimination of the atrophic and dystrophic changes in the gums, increase of mechanical strength, reduction of gingival recession and gingival pocket depth.
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