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Biomarkers in Diagnosis and Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence (Review)

Biomarkers in Diagnosis and Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence (Review)

Malov S.I., Malov I.V., Dvornichenko V.V., Marche P.N., Decaens T., Macek-Jilkova Z., Yushchuk N.D.
Key words: hepatocellular carcinoma; screening; biomarkers; proteomics.
2019, volume 11, issue 2, page 183.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second leading cause of death in oncological patients. The prognosis of the disease outcome depends directly on its timely detection. Currently, in the majority of countries, the diagnostic algorithm at the preclinical stage of tumor development includes determination of alpha-fetoprotein in combination with instrumental imaging techniques. This approach allows the detection of about 65–80% of liver tumors at an early stage (A according to the BCLC classification), whereas at a very early stage (0 according to the BCLC classification) only 32–50% of cases, the result which cannot be considered satisfactory. In this regard, the search for effective biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma is an important challenge that faces the world healthcare.

Advances in proteomics and genomics have led to the discovery of numerous promising markers which are now being clinically tested. Molecules of protein nature proposed as hepatocellular carcinoma tumor markers in different periods of time are described in this review. Comparative data on their effectiveness and specificity are also presented. The possibility of isolated or combined use of these biomarkers for risk assessment and early diagnosis of primary liver cancer is considered.

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