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Method of Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Correction During Pulmonectomy by Forming Intervascular Anastomoses (Experimental Study)

Method of Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Correction During Pulmonectomy by Forming Intervascular Anastomoses (Experimental Study)

Nadyrov М.Т., Almabayev Y.А., Baimahanov А.N., Fakhradiyev I.R., Almabayeva А.Y., Tanabayev B.D., Kulimbet М.B., Raimhanov А.D.
Key words: pulmonectomy; pulmonary insufficiency; pulmonary arterial hypertension; intervascular anastomoses.
2019, volume 11, issue 3, page 41.

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The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of reducing pulmonary arterial pressure by creating various types of intervascular anastomoses during left-sided pulmonectomy in the experiment.

Materials and Methods. The experimental study was carried out on 102 laboratory animals (mini pigs) aged 24–27 months weighing 12–17 kg. Three series of experiments have been performed. In the first series (n=34), left-sided pulmonectomies which corresponded to the removal of 42 weight percent of pulmonary tissue were done. In the second series (n=34), arteriovenous shunting of the pulmonary circulation by end-to-end connection of the proximal sections of the inferior lobar artery and the like-named vein on the operated side was carried out during left-sided pulmonectomies. In the third series (n=34), arterio-arterial shunting by connecting the proximal section of the superior lobar artery on the operated side with the distal section of the subclavian artery on the same side was performed during left-sided pulmonectomies.

Results. Lethality of the animals after pulmonectomy performed by a conventional method without anastomoses (series 1) was 1:3 (10 of 34 operated pigs died), and 8 of 10 died of acute edema.

Among the animals undergone pulmonectomy with arteriovenous shunt functioning between the pulmonary artery and the vein on the operated side (series 2), lethality appeared to be smaller, about 1:6 (6 of 34 mini pigs died). None of the animals suffered death from acute pulmonary edema.

Lethality among the animals of series 3, in which the pulmonary artery on the side of the removed lung was connected with the distal section of the subclavian artery, was the highest making half of the total number of the operated animals. 14 mini pigs died from acute pulmonary edema within the first hours after the operation, 4 died 4 months later from right ventricular failure.

Conclusion. Pulmonectomy with the shunt functioning between the inferior lobar artery and vein on the operated side provides the possibility to avoid acute edema of the remaining lung during the operation and soon after it.

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Nadyrov М.Т., Almabayev Y.А., Baimahanov А.N., Fakhradiyev I.R., Almabayeva А.Y., Tanabayev B.D., Kulimbet М.B., Raimhanov А.D. Method of Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Correction During Pulmonectomy by Forming Intervascular Anastomoses (Experimental Study). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2019; 11(3): 41,

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