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Software for Optimal Sequencing of Endovascular Correction of Three-Vessel Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Myocardial Ischemia

Software for Optimal Sequencing of Endovascular Correction of Three-Vessel Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Myocardial Ischemia

Shakhov E.B., Babunashvili A.M., Shakhov B.E.
Key words: acute coronary syndrome; three-vessel disease; endovascular intervention; revascularization sequence; surgical strategy.
2019, volume 11, issue 4, page 19.

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Selection of inadequate algorithm for endovascular correction of three-vessel coronary disease leads to an increase in the number of adverse cardiac events in patients with acute myocardial ischemia.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of the developed software for optimal sequencing of correction of three affected coronary territories in patients with acute myocardial ischemia and three-vessel coronary disease.

Materials and Methods. Treatment results were evaluated in 101 patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Correlation analysis was performed in all patients to determine the sequence of correction for three affected coronary territories as proposed by the operating surgeon, three independent experts or recommended by the developed computer programs “Sapphire 2015 — Right dominance” and “Sapphire 2015 — Left dominance”.

Results. Exact similarity in endovascular correction strategies proposed by the software and experts was observed in 72 patients (71.3%); partial similarity — in 28 (27.7%); total difference — in 1 patient (1.0%) (n=101; R=0.864; symb_t_copy.jpg=0.822; p=0.000002). Exact similarity in endovascular correction strategies offered by the software and the operating surgeon was observed in 39 patients (38.7%); partial similarity — in 55 (54.5%); total difference — in 7 (6.9%) (n=101; R=0.836; symb_t_copy.jpg=0.677; p=0.000001). However, early postoperative mortality was reported in those ACS patients for whom there was selected non-optimal sequence of correcting three affected coronary territories during the intervention as recommended by the software.

Conclusion. It is reasonable to use the developed software “Sapphire 2015 — Right dominance” and “Sapphire 2015 — Left dominance” to select the optimal sequence for correction of three-vessel coronary disease in patients with ACS.

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Shakhov E.B., Babunashvili A.M., Shakhov B.E. Software for Optimal Sequencing of Endovascular Correction of Three-Vessel Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Myocardial Ischemia. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2019; 11(4): 19,

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