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<i>In vitro</i> Evaluation of Performance Properties of Sponge Hemostatic Dressings (Review)

In vitro Evaluation of Performance Properties of Sponge Hemostatic Dressings (Review)

Severinov D.А., Lazarenko S.V., Sotnikov K.А., Pohozhay V.V., Ansimova P.V., Lipatov V.А.
Key words: hemostatic implants; hemostatic dressings; parenchymal bleeding, properties of implants; implant testing in vitro..
2020, volume 12, issue 1, page 139.

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Dressings for restoring organ defects and/or hemostasis in the injury site are being actively applied in operational units. These dressings are used in various surgeries and are widely represented in the foreign and domestic markets of medical products. Many local implants have different levels of hemostatic activity, which requires standardization of the algorithm of choice and the methods of their study.

Here the methods of studying the performance properties of hemostatic implants in vitro have been considered and evaluation criteria of their physical, chemical and organoleptic properties in vitro have been proposed. This will allow a researcher to choose optimal variants of samples for further experiments on biological models more effectively as well as to save funds, time and reduce the number of experiments in vivo.

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Severinov D.А., Lazarenko S.V., Sotnikov K.А., Pohozhay V.V., Ansimova P.V., Lipatov V.А. In vitro Evaluation of Performance Properties of Sponge Hemostatic Dressings (Review). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2020; 12(1): 139,

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