State Severity Assessment in Patients with Obstructive Jaundice using PMGMU2018h Scale Adapted to the Russian Medical and Economic Standards
The aim of the study was to assess the effectivity of PMGMU2018h scale for evaluation of the state severity degree of patients suffering from obstructive jaundice relative to other common assessment scales.
Materials and Methods. Thirty physical parameters have been studied and compared according to different assessment scales in each of 258 patients with obstructive jaundice treated in three medical settings.
Results. The main drawback of the examined scales is the necessity to use the parameters for calculations not included in the medical and economic standards of the Russian Federation. This feature makes these scales unsuitable for making decisions on the tactics of managing a concrete patient in the hospitals of the Russian Federation. The scale developed by us for the assessment of the state severity of patients suffering from obstructive jaundice is completely devoid of subjectivism, does not depend on a surgeon’s qualifications, and possesses high specificity to the given disease.
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