Reconstruction of the Rat Sciatic Nerve by Using Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Conduits
The aim of the study was to compare two types of conduits made of either non-resorbable Reperen or resorbable Tissucol for their effects on the regeneration of the rat sciatic nerve under conditions of stump diastasis.
Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out using outbred white male rats of the reproductive age (n=14). The animals were divided into three groups: group 1, intact (n=5), used for studying the morphology of the sciatic nerve; group 2 (n=4) — nerve plastic surgery was performed using a conduit made of non-resorbable Reperen; group 3 (n=5) — surgery was performed using a conduit made of resorbable Tissucol. The animals were anesthetized with isoflurane. After a complete transection of the sciatic nerve in the middle third of the thigh, its stumps were inserted into a conduit of an internal diameter of 2 mm and a length of 10 mm, filled with saline. Diastasis of 5 mm in length was created by spreading the nerve ends and securing the epineurium to the tube edges with 8/0 polypropylene sutures. A total count of myelinated nerve fibers was performed in the area of repair (tubulation) and the distal part of the nerve; the formation of connective tissue sheaths was assessed 14 weeks after the operation.
Results. According to the morphological assessment, both types of conduits (resorbable and non-resorbable) caused the similar number of fibers to restore in the distal part of the repaired nerve; clinical characteristics of the animals in both groups were close to each other and to the norm.
Conclusion. The results allow us to consider the conduit made of non-resorbable Reperen as a device promising for neuroplasty along with the resorbable conduit made of Tissucol.
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