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The Use of Transvenous Lead Extraction of Non-Infected Leads to Prevent Long-Term Lead-Related Complications

The Use of Transvenous Lead Extraction of Non-Infected Leads to Prevent Long-Term Lead-Related Complications

Ayvazyan S.A., Gamzaev A.B., Palagina A.A., Gorshenin K.G., Buslaeva S.I., Seregin A.A., Konovalov N.S., Sapelnikov O.V.
Key words: transvenous lead extraction; non-infected superfluous lead; thoracoscopy; venous occlusion; cardiac implantable device; superior vena cava.
2021, volume 13, issue 1, page 66.

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The aim of the investigation was to study the issue of making challenging decisions concerning abandonment or removal of non-infected superfluous leads during lead revisions or cardiac implantable electronic device upgrades.

Materials and Methods. From 2010 to 2019, a total of 482 patients who had undergone cardiac implantable electronic device implantation in the past were admitted to hospital for generator replacement or lead revision. In 126 patients, 155 malfunctioning leads were found. Mean age of the patients was 59.2±16.7. Total venous occlusion was found in 10 cases of these patients. All patients were divided into two groups: extracted leads group (n=83) and abandoned leads group (n=43). The main factor which influenced our strategy was the mean age of the lead. In group 1 the mean age of the lead was 6.9±5.6 years. In group 2 it was about 12 years.

Results. Lead extraction was performed by manual traction in 69 (61.7%) leads, by lead locking device in 32 (28.5%) leads, and 11 (9.8%) leads were removed using TightRail rotating dilator sheath. In 1 case of total occlusion of the superior vena cava, we performed a video-assisted thoracoscopic lead extraction at the time of vein occlusion recanalisation and electronic device reimplantation. In abandoned leads group 3 patients had lead-related complications.

Conclusion. Transvenous lead extraction with the mean age of the lead less than 10 years is an effective and safe strategy. Preventive transvenous lead extraction of non-infected leads allows avoiding lead-related complications in the long-term period.

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Ayvazyan S.A., Gamzaev A.B., Palagina A.A., Gorshenin K.G., Buslaeva S.I., Seregin A.A., Konovalov N.S., Sapelnikov O.V. The Use of Transvenous Lead Extraction of Non-Infected Leads to Prevent Long-Term Lead-Related Complications. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2021; 13(1): 66,

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