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Experience of Using Transpedicular Osteosynthesis in Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis

Experience of Using Transpedicular Osteosynthesis in Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis

Basankin I.V., Giulzatyan А.А., Nesterenko P.B., Bagaudinov А.B., Tayurski D.А., Mukhanov М.L.
Key words: spinal cord injury; upper cervical spine injury; Hangman’s fracture; transpedicular fixation; С2 fracture; Judet operation.
2021, volume 13, issue 5, page 47.

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The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of direct posterior transpedicular osteosynthesis in traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 vertebra.

Materials and Methods. The present study is an observational retrospective analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 19 patients operated on in 2014–2020 using the posterior transpedicular osteosynthesis technique with Herbert’s compression screws for a Hangman’s fracture type II according to Levine–Edwards classification. After the operation, the follow-up period lasted for 22 [10; 36] months.

Results. The study group of patients (n=19) made 2.48% of all patients operated on for traumatic injury of the cervical spine (n=766) in the period from 2014 to 2020. In all cases, the surgical treatment was successful; there were no intraoperative complications in the form of damage to the vascular and nerve structures. The average duration of surgery was 70.8±24.5 min, and intraoperative blood loss was 92.9±41.8 ml. The length of hospitalization stay was 7 [5; 17] days. On the postoperative CT scans, no significant screw malposition (>2 mm) was found.

Conclusion. Transpedicular osteosynthesis with compression screws in C2 traumatic spondylolisthesis is a safe and sparing operation with a short duration and insignificant blood loss. Thorough preoperative planning and knowledge of the anatomic landmarks make it possible to perform this operation effectively under the C-arm X-ray system control without any navigation system.

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Basankin I.V., Giulzatyan А.А., Nesterenko P.B., Bagaudinov А.B., Tayurski D.А., Mukhanov М.L. Experience of Using Transpedicular Osteosynthesis in Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2021; 13(5): 47,

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