Computer-Aided Detection of Respiratory Sounds in Bronchial Asthma Patients Based on Machine Learning Method
The aim of the study is to develop a method for detection of pathological respiratory sound, caused by bronchial asthma, with the aid of machine learning techniques.
Materials and Methods. To build and train neural networks, we used the records of respiratory sounds of bronchial asthma patients at different stages of the disease (n=951) aged from several months to 47 years old and healthy volunteers (n=167). The sounds were recorded with calm breathing at four points: at the oral cavity, above the trachea, on the chest (second intercostal space on the right side), and at a point on the back.
Results. The method developed for computer-aided detection of respiratory sounds allows to diagnose sounds typical for bronchial asthma in 89.4% of cases with 89.3% sensitivity and 86.0% specificity regardless of sex and age of the patients, stage of the disease, and the point of sound recording.
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