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Modern Molecular Genetic Technologies in the Supervision over HIV-1 Subtypes Circulation

Modern Molecular Genetic Technologies in the Supervision over HIV-1 Subtypes Circulation

Zaitseva N.N., Nosov N.N., Parfenova О.V., Peksheva О.Y., Efimov E.I.
Key words: HIV infection; molecular genetic technologies; HIV-1 subtypes; molecular epidemiological monitoring; recombinant HIV forms; phylogenic analysis.
2016, volume 8, issue 1, page 121.

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The aim of the investigation was to assess the capabilities of modern technologies in the monitoring of genetic HIV-1 subtypes circulating within some administrative territories (by the example of Privolzhsky Federal District (PFD) during the period of 2008–2014).

Materials and Methods. We carried out molecular genetic analysis of 647 blood plasma samples of HIV-1 infected patients from 13 regions of PFD (Russia). Genotyping was carried out using a test kit ViroSeqТМ HIV-1 and Genotyping System Software v.2.8 (Celera Diagnostic, USA). Subtyping was performed online using COMET HIV-1/2 and REGA HIV-1 Subtyping Tool, and Phylogenic analysis including reference nucleotide sequences from GenBank of European countries, America, Australia, CIS and Russian regions, was carried out using MEGA 5.2, Maximum Likelihood analysis and Kimura (bootstrap level 1000).

Results. The study of HIV-1 subtypes in PFD revealed the tendency for subtype A dominating, both in the period of 2008–2010 (91.3%), and in 2011–2014 (95.6%). Subtype B appeared to be the second most frequent HIV-1 subtype (8.7 and 2%, respectively). We found the increase of subtype diversity of genetic HIV-1 variants in the samples dated 2011–2014, mainly, due to recombinant variants (AB, AG, CRF06_cpx, CRF01_AE) and subtype C strain.

There was revealed phylogenic affinity and proved molecular epidemiological relationships between nucleotide sequences of viruses isolated in HIV positive patients in PFD, and the sequences taken as reference from international base GenBank.

Conclusion. Modern molecular genetic techniques used in epidemiological surveillance over HIV infection, and when studying subtype structure of HIV, can serve as the prime tools to monitor a current situation, as well as for epidemic prognosis. The methods are able to assess, study the subtypes in order to make decisions for developing preventive and anti-epidemic measures to stabilize HIV infection epidemic.

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