Microfocus X-ray for Electrode Array Position Control during Cochlear Implantation
The aim of the investigation was to determine the possibilities of microfocus X-ray for assessing the anatomy of the temporal bone and the position of an electrode array during cochlear implantation.
Materials and Methods. A human temporal bone, human skull, porcine head, in the temporal bones of which an electrode array of the cochlear implant was inserted, were prepared for the experiment. Reference radiographs were obtained by means of radiography and multislice computed tomography. Microfocus X-ray images were obtained using portable X-ray devices of the PARDUS-R family (ELTECH-Med, Russia).
Results. The quality of the images obtained was analyzed on the basis of several criteria: the ability of detailed electrode array visualization, presence of artefacts, visual evaluation of the image quality, etc. The modiolus, osseous spiral lamina, and electrode array contacts were clearly presented in the temporal bone and human skull. The image quality was evaluated as high and very high. The best results for the electrode array position control in the porcine cochlea were received in the upgraded transorbital-intraoral projection. Taking into consideration the data obtained, a method of acquiring X-ray images of a cochlear implant was elaborated.
Conclusion. The advantage of digital microfocus X-ray for the assessment of electrode array position in the temporal bone has been proved. The radiography with a microfocal radiation source provides a high resolution at a minimal exposure dose and absence of artefacts from the metal implant parts.
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